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Quality of Life and Its Determinants in Adult Drug Refractory Epilepsy Patients Who Were Not Candidates for Epilepsy Surgery: A Correlational Study
Inder Puri, Deepa Dash, Madakasira Vasantha Padma, Manjari Tripathi
J Epilepsy Res. 2018;8(2):81-86.   Published online October 25, 2018     DOI: https://doi.org/10.14581/jer.18013
                     Cited By 8
Predictors of Seizure-Related Injuries in an Epilepsy Cohort from North India
Surekha Dabla, Inder Puri, Deepa Dash, Padma Madakasira Vasantha, Manjari Tripathi
J Epilepsy Res. 2018;8(1):27-32.   Published online June 30, 2018     DOI: https://doi.org/10.14581/jer.18005
                     Cited By 9
Evaluation of Ictal Consciousness in Temporal and Extra Temporal Epilepsy: Observations from a Tertiary Care Hospital in India
Rima M Chaudhari, Deepa Dash, Bhargavi Ramanujam, Manit K Rana, Renjith Appukuttan, Anubha Sharma, Yuvraj Kunwar, Gaurav Tejaniya, Vasantha Padma, Sarat P Chandra, Manjari Tripathi
J Epilepsy Res. 2016;6(2):95-98.   Published online December 28, 2016     DOI: https://doi.org/10.14581/jer.16017
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Volume14 No. 2
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